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There’s nothing quite like seeing it for yourself. In a short demo, see how easy it is to engage your audience and drive growth on Omeda.

How Omeda helps unlock your audience’s full potential

Omeda combines best-in-class marketing technology in a standalone platform that seamlessly integrates all of your audience data.

  • One destination to build and segment all your audience data
  • Design and automate marketing and email campaigns
  • Subscription management perfected
  • Modernized data management and governance that scales alongside your organization
  • Codie 2021 winner
  • G2 High performer summer 2022
  • G2 Rating
  • Capterra rating

What customers say


Payment and Pricing

How does pricing work?

Omeda is designed as an integral partner to help your business grow, engage, and monetize your audience. Our typical contracts are one- to three-year commitments with collaborative pricing based on the number of records and your email sending volume (with no hidden fees).

Are there additional fees for additional users who access Omeda's platform?

No – there is no fee for additional users.

Integrations and Replacements

What integrations does Omeda offer to ensure compatibility with our existing systems?

Omeda integrates directly with many leading solutions to ensure your workflows run as smoothly as possible. This includes Facebook and Google Ad Manager, ON24, GoToWebinar, Adobe Analytics, CredSpark and many more. (Find even more direct integrations here!) Connect to 1,000+ additional apps using our Zapier integration.  

Need more flexibility? You can also use Omeda’s API, Webhooks,and Data Loader to easily ingest or export data between Omeda and your favorite tools.  

Who exactly does Omeda replace in our current setup, and how does it replace them?

Omeda replaces the need for standalone systems including email & marketing automation platforms like HubSpot, subscription management like Zuora, and customer data platforms like Segment. Save time, budget and resources by consolidating all your audience marketing tech stack with Omeda.

“Omeda has built a powerful marketing program that is driven by your own database, creating an almost seamless workflow and relationship management system. It really gives you the opportunity to create process efficiencies and optimize your investment by maximizing your usage of marketing tools.”

— Becky S., Audience Development Manager

Do I need to purchase the whole platform?

No! While Omeda works best when the entire platform is activated, you can use our Customer Data Platform, Email Sending Platform, Marketing Automation, or Subscription Management and Fulfillment as standalone services.

User Requirements

Will we need to hire someone new or undergo extensive training to effectively use Omeda?

Omeda works best for organizations with a dedicated audience marketing manager or a marketing team of 2+ people. You do not need to hire additional marketers. Plus, our onboarding process and on-demand training via Omeda Academy ensure you can hit the ground running.

How user-friendly is Omeda's platform for non-power users within our organization?

Omeda is built to put the power of your audience data back in your hands. We’ve streamlined permissioning so admins can easily control access. We also have extensive training resources to guide new users through both basic and sophisticated tasks.

Data Collection and Asset Transfer

Can we transfer our existing assets and templates into Omeda? How do we import data to Omeda?

Your onboarding management team will facilitate the transfer of your data as well as the recreation of your forms, marketing automation journeys, email templates and more. For any new incoming data collected externally, set up scheduled imports via Data Loader or on-demand using webhooks or our Zapier integration.

“Omeda has some of the best customer service and resources around. Throughout our entire transition over to the Omeda platform, our reps were with us every step of the way. They have been invaluable in helping us get us up and running and have gone above and beyond whenever an issue has arisen.”

— Matt R., Data & Audience Specialist

How does Omeda's platform handle identity resolution, ensuring a single view of each customer?

Omeda uses a Customer ID that is layered above personal information, so that all work and personal emails, mobile and laptop browser cookies, website activity and mailing addresses are connected to one record.

What types of data can be collected using Omeda's platform?

Omeda can uniquely track anonymous behaviors and tie those historical activities back to a single record when the individual intentionally supplies personal information, like filling out a form. We call this the unknown to known conversion. Beyond that, you can customize the exact web behaviors you would like to track, as well as easily append attributes like in-person event attendance or registrations.

See how Randall Reilly tied their Google Analytics data back to Omeda to create a comprehensive engagement dashboard that revolutionized their content strategy.

Onboarding and Support

How does the onboarding process work with Omeda, and what is the expected timeline to go live?

During onboarding, we’ll work with you to migrate your data and implement our solutions as soon as possible. While no two clients are the same, here are some standard implementation timelines for each of our different products: 

  • CDP: As little as two weeks
  • Email & Marketing Automation: As little as one month
  • Subscription Management: Variable, depending on your publication schedule
  • Full Service: As little as three months 

Note: Timelines are dependent on client input.  

“The Omeda team has made this the smoothest system transition that we have ever experienced.”

— Roger J, Vice President, Marketing & Audience Development

What is included in the standard support package with Omeda? Does Omeda provide ongoing client success and strategic guidance?

Support at Omeda scales with your organization. For large and complex businesses, we give you a full team to help you master the platform and reach your audience growth goals, both during implementation and after. Your team includes:  

  • Your Client Success Manager: At Omeda, each client is paired with a dedicated Client Success Manager right away. In addition to regular standing calls, they’re available as needed throughout your entire time with Omeda.
  • Integration and API support: Need to connect Omeda to your favorite tools? No problem. Our engineers will work with you to help make your tech stack compatible with Omeda.
  • Our email deliverability team: Our deliverability team helps make sure that your emails are reaching inboxes, not spam folders. If you encounter any deliverability issues, our team can reach out to ISPs on your behalf to help you resolve any sending issues and get your deliverability back on track.
  • Our privacy and data governance team: Omeda provides Master Data Management (MDM) solutions through its unified customer view, allowing clients to manage their data, permissions and consent in a single place, ensuring data integrity with applicable privacy laws and regulations. Visit our Privacy Office to learn more.  

“Omeda has some of the best customer service and resources around. Throughout our entire transition over to the Omeda platform, our reps were with us every step of the way. They have been invaluable in helping us get us up and running and have gone above and beyond whenever an issue has arisen.”

— Matt R., Data & Audience Specialist

Data Management and Privacy

What processes ensure data integrity within Omeda's platform? How does Omeda's platform handle data privacy compliance, such as GDPR and CCPA?

Omeda provides Master Data Management (MDM) solutions through its unified customer view, allowing clients to manage their data, permissions and consent in a single place, ensuring data integrity with applicable privacy laws and regulations.

Learn more about Omeda’s privacy mission and vision here.

Analytics and Reporting

How does Omeda's platform track and report on user interactions and behavior?

Omeda’s platform uses best-in-class tech to track user interactions across your website and email. Our unique platform can track your anonymous visitors’ activity and connect their behavior history to their profile when they convert. Our comprehensive tracking and reporting shows you when it’s the best time to showcase a product or drop in a promotion to get more engagement and growth.

What kind of reports does Omeda offer?

Omeda offers over 150 pre-built reports covering all aspects of your audience, including email, campaigns, subscription growth, web behavior, and custom reports. You can also export data into your visualizer tool of choice with our API.

Features and Capabilities

What orchestration channels does Omeda's platform support, and how does it share data across these channels?

Omeda supports several orchestration channels including email, onsite popups, ad platforms (including Meta, Google, and Adroll), and file drops – all connected seamlessly by a central audience database.

What are the processes for selecting and activating segments with Omeda?

The heart of Omeda is Audience Builder – the central audience querying system to build out a segment. Filter by 100s of standard groups, or further narrow with custom behaviors and demographics. The system keeps these lists automatically updated so you can set up an audience for continuous promotion. These segments connect directly to our Email and Marketing Automation so you never have to leave the platform to create end-to-end marketing campaigns.

What personalization capabilities does Omeda's platform offer?

Any data you collect, you can use to personalize! Beyond standard personalization like first name and company, you can also use topics of interest, subscription status, or website behavior. Create popups and emails using this personalized information.

How does Omeda's platform assist in customer acquisition, engagement and retention?

Omeda is uniquely positioned to touch every part of the customer journey, from initial touchpoint all the way through to upsell and cross-sell. Grow your database with our Customer Data Platform, engage the contacts with our Email and Marketing Automation suite, and monetize with Subscription Management.

Does Omeda's platform offer lead scoring capabilities that we can use for our advertiser clients?

You can create comprehensive Lead Scoring systems using both demographic and behavioral data. Assign point values based on website activity, event attendance, location, job title, or any custom segment you designate. Automatically output these lists to a CRM or email file.

Are there integrations with social ads platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok available with Omeda?

We have direct integration with Facebook and Google Ad Manager. Get access to other social ad platforms via our Zapier integration.

Scalability and Additional Costs

How often does Omeda's platform go through code releases, and what do they typically entail?

Omeda operates on a bi-weekly sprint, with code updates including new features and bug fixes.

On average, how long have Omeda's customers been using its platform?

Omeda has been the media industry’s go-to partner for decades. Our average client engagement is upwards of four years.