The 2024 State of Audience Report

Working with audience and media teams, we’re often asked, “What’s working right now for other audience teams, and what should we be moving away from?” So, we surveyed consumer and business media and audience leaders to find out.

In this industry-first report, learn how media and audience teams like yours are connecting with their audiences.

Download your copy today to discover what’s driving growth, engagement and monetization in the post-platform era. 

Want a sneak peek?

Sample some key findings from the State of Audience Report below. Download the full report for additional findings, analysis, and tactics from media organizations like yours.

Top audience development challenges and opportunities

Converting unknown visitors (60%) and disconnected workflows (52%) are keeping teams from connecting with their audience, and respondents named these as their top challenges.

Audience development technology and investments

Despite using 4+ audience management systems on average, most media companies (85%) don’t feel they have the technology they need to reach their goals.

Ready to read the full report?

Download the full State of Audience Report now.