Using Omeda’s ABM Tool to Enhance Your Location-Based Marketing Efforts

    Recorded on: January 26, 2023

    In this 30-minute webinar, you’ll learn how to set up location-based targeting using Omeda’s ABM Tool. Plus, you’ll discover new ways to enhance your audience data to help you identify, query and output subscribers at specific locations. The ABM Tool and the enhanced data it provides can help you focus your marketing efforts to customers at specific locations.

    Robin Heneghan, Director of Client Support at Omeda, joins Whitney Carrier, Client Success Manager at Omeda, to lead the webinar.

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    Speaker 1 (00:00):
    All right. Hi everybody. I’m Whitney Carrier. I’m a client success manager here at Omeda and I’m joined today by Robin Heneghan, our director of Client support. And we’re gonna be talking to you about the ABM tool at Omeda, which is a feature you can use to help you with effectively targeting and segmenting your audience for ABM campaigns. Filling in demographic data on your database and gaining insight on engagement at a company level. So Robin’s gonna walk through the basics and the setup and how it works, and then I’ll go through some use cases and FAQs. If you guys have any questions, feel free to post ’em in the chat and we will respond to those at the end. And housekeeping, we’re recording this webinar. We will share the slides and the recording in a few days.

    And also our next webinar in February is on data security and privacy best practices with Bettina February 28th. So please look out for that and sign up. And OX is coming up in May, so I hope you can make it. We have discounted pricing through the end of January and buy three get one free. So please go to the website, check it out. We have new boot camps this year on Wednesday also, which would be cool Interactive workshops on how to set up audience engagement campaigns and paid subscription and all that kinda stuff. So please check that out. Alright Robin, should we turn off our cameras?

    Speaker 2 (01:35):
    Perfect, yeah, let’s turn them off as not to distract everyone.

    Speaker 1 (01:41):
    Okay. Alright,

    Speaker 2 (01:45):
    Perfect. Thanks Whitney.

    All right. So what is the ABM tool? ABM stands for account-based marketing. Our ABM tool is an add-on utility, which creates an enhanced location-based view of your data. The ABM tool uses address matching logic company name and address matching logic to identify customers on your database that are at the same location. You may have also heard the ABM tool referred to as the unitization or unit tool. We’ll use these terms unit and location interchangeably throughout this presentation. The ABM tool essentially adds another layer to your data, which shows how many customers are associated with an individual location or unit. It does not change or alter any of your existing data, so you’re good there. It’s not touching it, it’s basically just adding a new layer. So what does this mean? Well, if we think of Omeda for example, as a location at the address one North Dearborn Street in Chicago, Illinois, our ABM matching logic will identify all customers at this OMI location. Having this data allows you to identify and market to one customer per location, and in some cases the best or key man customer at that location. This can be accomplished by utilizing the optional Keyman criteria as part of the ABM setup, which I will discuss shortly.

    So where is the ABM tool located? You’ve got it right here. It’s, it’s, and once you are enabled with this tool, you can find it within the audience search section of the Omeda portal. It can be accessed through the navigation bar at the top of the audience search screen under ABM. So once you click on the ABM tool, you’ll see the ABM overview page. Could you do next slide with

    Thank you. So which we are showing here, this page allows you to navigate to a few different ABM utilities. The first section showing the ABM types. This is where we can view, modify, or create a brand new ABM type. It’s important to note that you can set up the ABM type specifically for a particular product such as a magazine product. In this case the the ABM information would be specific to the customers associated with that magazine product or the ABM type can be set up to run across your entire database, running across all of your products.

    The next section is for membership search. This is where you can search for customers associated with a particular unit or ABM type. And finally the third section is for running an ABM assignment, although it’s not commonly used, this is available to run the program on demand. And if, if you set up the ABM type upon initial setup, that unit data will be populated in your database typically within one business day. But then going forward the ABM program will run nightly and it will update any new customers that are added to your database with unit data.

    So let’s look more closely at that first section on the overview page, which is really the meat and potatoes of the setup. It’s the ABM type setup screen. Here you can see the top section includes ABM type DP details such as the name, the job status created and change dates for the ABM job, as well as email addresses that are notified when the ABM job runs. It’s helpful to note here this section, each section does have a link to a help screen so you can click on that for any additional additional details and explanations on the setup process. The next section is the ABM aggregation setup. This defines whether your ABM type is set up at the product level or whether it runs across your entire database across all of your products.

    Then the final two sections here are optional as part of the ABM type setup, but can be very beneficial for enhancing your data. They’re the A BM type demographics and keyman rules. Let’s take a closer look at these optional add-ons for your ABM type. So ABM type graph demographics, the tool allows you to create a unitized version of your existing single or multiple response demographics. So again, this will not alter any of your existing customer demographics, but will simply add another layer of data to each customer with this unitized or location based version of these demographics.

    So how are the unitized demographics determined for a customer on your database that is set up with the aggregation type? This is used to determine the aggregation type is used to determine how demographics will be chosen for the members of a particular unit or location. So you have a few options here. For example, you can use the most common demographic response from each unit and apply that to all members at the location. Or you can set, you can select the Keyman customer’s demographics to apply to the unit. This option requires the secondary setup piece of the keyman rules.

    Next slide please. Thank you. So the keyman rules here you can set up a number of rules to identify the keyman or best customer for a unit. You can set the priority for which rules are heated first, the rules can be set up at a product level. They can be set up to look at product class source verification date. Another key man rule option can also look at demographic responses for a customer. Here you can select customers with the best or most desirable demographic response to help determine the keyman. For example, your first keyman rule could be to select class one active qualified subscribers from a magazine product, followed by a second key to rule to reference the magazine products verification date. Taking the most recent and priority. Again, you can have multiple keyman rules set up and the ABM program matching logic will reference those in order of priority to select a keyman for each location. So where can we access this data?

    Audience builder. Yay. So once your ABM type is activated and the necessary fields are configured, you can access this data in audience builder. So here you’ll be able to query output and run reports on the location based data. And remember, this data is a new layer in addition to all your existing product and demographic data. A key point to remember is that in order to enable the unit fields for querying over on the left hand side of audience builder, the user first needs to select the ABM type at the top of the audience builder query pane as shown here. So in that top square you can see that the ABM type is selected. And then on the left hand side you can see that those fields are now appearing. So the user would first select ABM type. And remember it’s possible to have several ABM types set up on your database. And then the unit fields will become available over on the left hand side of audience builder for selection and query purposes. And now Whitney is going to walk us through some helpful use cases and tips on how you can use this location based data. Take it away with

    Speaker 1 (10:41):
    . Thanks Robin. So one use case could be to help you with ABM campaigns to identify unique locations, maybe based on business type for example, which you can do by searching the unit relationship equal to keyman. That’s how you could pull one per location in audience builder under your unit fields. So maybe your sales team asks you to asks you how many software development companies you serve in Chicago. So you could say audience relationship equal to Keyman unit, city equal to Chicago, and then unit business type equal to software development. Another use case that we commonly see people taking advantage of is filling in potential demographic gaps in your data on an individual customer level. So like Robin mentioned earlier you can select any of your demographic fields as a unit demographic in an ABM type. And it’s not gonna overwrite any individual customer demographics, it’s just gonna enhance the data and you’ll be able to search it in audience builder and on the customer record in audience search.

    So, and then there’s different ways to pick which response gets pulled as the unit demographic or response such as consensus, which would pull the most common response among the members of the unit. Or you can take the response from the key man. And in this example maybe you have a top 50 demographic ranking and you wanna unitize that. So you can just add that to that ABM types unit demographics. And then you could also set rules for your key man to pull the most valuable demographic response. So you could say anyone who has a top 50 ranking of one is the key man. If nobody has a one but somebody has a two, then they become a key man, et cetera. And then pull the unit response from the key man so you’re really creating the most valuable view of your data.

    And then another use case is gaining insight on engagement at a company level. So there’s an option in the ABM type in the ABM tool to create custom units. So you can download this template in this section and upload a file of company names and addresses and demographics and unit IDs. So maybe you have company names stored on another database. You wanna match ’em to your OMI database and create units out of those or take ’em from your OMI database if you have like a VIP list of companies. And this doesn’t create new customer records on your database. It basically is just like a table that is used to create units for this custom ABM type. And you’ll be able to query it in audience builder. And another nice thing about this is you can pre-assign demographics.

    So you, if you have a list of company names and you know what the demographics are like the business type is for each of those companies, you can include that in the file that you upload. And then that’s the demographic that’ll be assigned to the unit once the units are created and it, once you activate it, it runs every night just like any other ABM type you have. And just to note, I, I think Robin mentioned this, but you can have more than one ABM type. So you could have like a custom unit, ABM type and then a magazine, ABM type and then one that goes across your whole database. And once you have your units set up and queryable an audience builder, you can select your unit data and then layer in any other fields that you have an audience builder. So for example, you could use lead scoring if you have certain engagement metrics based on email clicks or website visits for example. You could create those lead scoring events and then select those in addition to your unit data to get an, an overview of engagement at a company level. And data science is also a great one if you wanna see frequency of engagement on email and web behavior, et cetera.

    Okay. Robin, did I miss anything or should we go to questions?

    Speaker 2 (15:26):
    Actually, yeah, I did wanna mention something. So did you mention the standardization? Yes. The email standardization and the potential for running like a cleanup on your data first, right. So

    Speaker 1 (15:42):

    Speaker 2 (15:42):
    So that, so that point it, it’s great to have that data cleaned up up before you turn on the ABM tool because the ABM tool’s location matching logic is good but it’s not perfect. So the cleaner and more standardized the address information on your, for the customers on your database, the more accurate the ABM data will be as a result. So just wanted to drive that point home.

    Speaker 1 (16:09):
    Yeah, good point. Thanks. Okay, so some common questions that we get and this is what Robin was just talking about. But in addition to that, if you do have a lot of records on your database that don’t have a company name, there’s an option in the ABM set up to exclude customers that don’t have a company name from being included in the ABM type unitization. So you can always use that, but yeah, keeping your data as clean as possible prior to running unitization is is always helpful. Another question, what if we notice that there’s some units that we think should be merged together? So as Robin mentioned, there’s a section in the ABM tool where you can search unit members kind of like you search customers and audience search and within there you could manually merge together units if you see two companies that you know should actually be one unit for example.

    So if that happens the unit data from the oldest unit is what would be the winner. So that’s where we would take the key man and the unit demographic and the address information, et cetera. And then what if you have magazine products that are unitized and you wanna report the units on your audit statement? Can you use the ABM tool for that? Yes. also mentioned you can have multiple ABM types and you can also run the ABM type on a magazine product. So it’s only gonna pull in customers that are subscribed to that magazine product. And then you can run, you can include any of the demographics that you wanna report on your statement as the unit demographics and you can run the cross hatch reports in audience builder on those unit demographics, et cetera. And you could have multiple different ABM types set up if you have several magazines that are unitized. Alright, that’s what I had for FAQs. Robin, do you wanna go to the chat? Do we have some questions?

    Speaker 2 (18:17):
    Yes. Yep. We’ve got a few few questions that came through the chat. And one is, are units defined based on only on address or does company name come into play at all? And if so, how? Good question. So it is actually based on a combination of the company name and address, right? So it’s taking that fuzzy matching logic that’s it’s utilizing the company name as well as the address. And there is a setting within the ABM type setup, which Whitney showed you can exclude customers that ha do not have a company name. So it would exclude them from getting assigned. Yeah, there you go. From getting assigned an ABM type. So yes, it’s really the primary use of it is taking it into account both the company name and address together to create that matching logic to reference both of those. So good question.

    Can we, so another question. Can we output our unit data? Yes, absolutely. So the, the data can be output from audience builder. We simply need to configure those fields to be available for output. And yes, then you can output all of the unit location fields and demographics. Okay. One other question. Are the ABM types available in different audience builder profiles if we use profiles? Another good question. Yes. so if your database is set up with multiple profiles, yes, we just need to configure the unit fields and any profiles where you want to query and or output that data. So it simply needs to be configured in first and then you can reference that data in your audience builder profile.

    Okay. Another question, what kind of reporting can we use? So we have audience builder atch reporting that can be configured to include your unit demographics. One more question here, how much does this feature cost ? Please check in with your client success manager on this. And they can walk through your contract with you and, and discuss the cost for this feature. And then obviously if you have any questions about setting this up or if you’re interested in setting this up, definitely reach out to your client success manager to review. So I think that’s all the questions we have through the chat so far.

    Speaker 1 (21:30):
    Alright, well,

    Speaker 2 (21:35):
    Alright, well thanks everyone for your time today and for joining us. Be on the lookout for the slide deck from this webinar in the next few days. And again, if you have any additional questions on the ABM tool or you’re interested in enabling this, please reach out to your client success manager.

    Speaker 1 (21:54):
    Thank you Robin.

    Speaker 2 (21:57):
    Thanks Whitney. Thanks everyone.