Omeda for Digital Advertising Teams

Accelerate advertising revenue

Data and audience access are your competitive advantages. Maximize their value to accelerate your advertising revenue and confidently deliver on your client’s growing requirements for precision targeting, high engagement, and measurable results.

State of media and audience today


of media companies report increasing or maintaining their audience investment, however most lack a formal plan.


of Media and Audience Pros say unknown-to-known conversion is their biggest challenge.

According to Omeda’s State of Audience Report

Precisely target audiences on owned properties

Your audience = your revenue. Consolidate your siloed data to get a clear view of your audience so you can precisely identify, target, and package them for advertisers and increase market share and revenue.

Deliver measurable and predictable results

Ever wonder how you’ll fulfill an advertising campaign or deliver qualified conversions? Omeda gives you visibility into your audience behaviors, engagement activity, and performance insights so you can deliver measurable and predictable results every time.

Confidently deliver against advertiser requirements

No more 3rd party cookies. And programmatic media margins are declining. Your audience is your competitive advantage and has tremendous value for advertisers. Omeda helps you Identify, manage, and precisely target niche audiences to deliver your advertisers’ desired results.

At AIM, we want to be known for our quality and actionable audience data. When our advertising sales team is in the market, they have a powerful story to tell. We know our audience, and we have the data points.”

Amanda Phillips

VP of Marketing

Active Interest Media

See how media trailblazers are confidently delivering on client expectations and growing their revenue.